Ebonyi-Assembly (Nigerian Mining)

The Ebonyi State House of Assembly Committee on Public Petition, Justice, and Judiciary has issued a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Obia Alio, the director of First Patriot Company, over alleged property damage and disregard for the host community’s welfare.

Committee chairman, Innocent Nomeh, revealed this during an on-site assessment at Enyim Agelegu Ndufu Alike, following several petitions filed against the First Patriot Company, formerly known as Royal Salt Company Limited.

A petition from the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, led by Mr. Romanus Okemini and Elder Clement Mgbebu, raised concerns over the the blasting activities at First Patriot Company, which have caused material and human loss. The petitioners also accused the company of using military personnel to suppress community complaints, while farmlands, buildings, and properties were being destroyed. The exhumed minerals allegedly poisoned the land, resulting in numerous deaths. As a result, the community demanded the company leave their land, claiming it no longer benefited them.

A section inside the First Patriot Company, formerly known as Royal Salt Company Limited (Nigerian Mining)
A section inside the First Patriot Company, formerly known as Royal Salt Company Limited

Rev. Fr. Augustine Ovia, the priest in charge of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, stated that the church building had become unsafe for worshippers due to the damage caused by the company’s blasting, with walls and roofs either cracked or caved in.

Nomeh expressed concern over the extensive damage to farmlands and buildings, particularly the church, which is located near the blasting site. He criticised the company for ignoring multiple invitations to appear before the committee and ordered the immediate arrest of its director. Nomeh further accused First Patriot Company of failing to meet safety standards outlined in the Mining Act and neglecting its responsibilities to the host community.

He urged the villagers to remain peaceful, assuring them that the Ebonyi State government, led by Governor Francis Nwifuru, would address their concerns and find a solution.

Mr. Ifeanyi Nwakpa, the assembly member representing Ikwo North, added that personal efforts had been made to resolve the community’s suffering, but the company ignored the pleas. He assured affected residents that justice would be served.

Community members like Romanus Okemini and Clement Mgbebu, whose homes were severely damaged, appealed to the committee to compel the company to take responsibility for the destruction.

Meanwhile, Mr. Marcelinus Chukwu, the company’s liaison officer, claimed the company had continuously misled the community, while farmlands and homes were destroyed. The president of the Enyim Agalegu town’s union, Mr. Oboke Chukwu, echoed this sentiment, stating the company had not been transparent in its dealings and should vacate the village.

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